Can I use Pal Tiya Premium with children?

Pal Tiya Premium and Educators.

We developed Pal Tiya Premium to meet our high industry and creative standards - it is a professional grade material for professional projects. That said, with correct supervision and strict adherence to the safety requirements, Pal Tiya Premium has been used for teaching many topics beyond sculpting by educators in various countries.

Using Pal Tiya Premium lets an educator cover such topics as:

·        Math - weight and measuring ratios

·        Chemistry - the chemical interactions whencuring

·        Geometry - calculating surface area of a shape

·        Physics - designing and construction ofarmatures

·        Design skills - visualizing and designingsculpture

·        Artistic abilities - painting and sitingfinished pieces

·        Culture - appreciating and studying existingsculptures

·        Self-discipline- patience and persistence

·        Wider world context - how sculpting is usedtoday in the real world - movies, theme parks, professional artists etc.

We’d recommend that any person under the age of 18 using this material be fully supervised and be using the correct safety protocols. The fact that the product contains Portland cement, and fine sand means that strict handling and mixing protocols must be adhered to. The most current Safety Data Sheet is found here: and the most current Technical Data Sheet is here:

Some teachers, and art educators, have run well managed, and safety-first projects, with younger children such as this project run in Australia:

The final determination of the products suitability is the sole responsibility of the end user. We provide applications, tutorials,frequently asked questions, personal experiences, and professional advice solely as guidance in faith that the information we provide is accurate and helps assist the end user in accomplishing their task.